As I have experienced personally and with many of my clients that when we experience positive shifts through many modalities, such as personal development seminars, courses that aid in our growth, we have a tendency to go back to our old ways of being. I work with the client setting up specific areas of focus, clearing energetic blocks and emotional issues that may come up in our coaching session.
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Energetics is the study of energy under transformation.  It is a way to allow new states of awareness, promoting change in the areas of injuries, past traumas, and emotional patterns that we may or may not be aware of. It shows us that we have the power to change these through a change in perspective, rejecting the old reality and allowing new possibilities to emerge...
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Reiki is a supportive technique for allowing the body to become balanced, and bring it back to the natural state of health and wellness. Reiki can expedite the healing process for any acute or chronic condition you may be experiencing and it supports all medical treatments. The treatment is very relaxing and brings about a renewed and calming outlook...
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Intuitive sessions are highly unique and personal. The client will experience guidance and a sense of clarity. Through the use of Angel cards and the connection with your guides and angels, knowledge and information from the higher dimensions are accessed. It is through this that the messages are relayed to you, offering you insights and clarity...
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Meet Katherine McKay


Katherine McKay is an Intuitive Counselor, card reader, certified Reiki Master, Yuen Practitioner, and Matrix Energetics Facilitator. Katherine believes that we all have the ability to choose the life we want to live and enjoys showing others the power to create the desired outcomes and be an active participant in their own lives.

Katherine has learned that many physical ailments stem from emotional issues that manifest into physical symptoms. This discovery led her on the amazing journey that has allowed her to incorporate her teachings to help others with the barriers we face on our path in life.
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